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Bugs are a big point of confusion because it’s easy to think all the bugs should come off when you get your car detailed. We promise to always shoot you straight and give you the reasoning behind our answer. We hope this answer is a testament to that.

In short, bugs have a chemical in them called chitin and when a bug smacks on the front of your car that chemical is splattered along with everything else. That chemical can dry fairly quickly, especially in the Oklahoma heat, and at a minimum stain your clear coat. If you have a light colored car and get it off quickly, you probably won’t notice it, but if you have a dark colored car and let it bake in the sun, you can definitely see some staining. If you don’t get it off quickly and let it dry for even a week or two in the summer, let alone months, it’s just going to dry on there. We can do our bug scrub and get a lot of it off, but at a certain point it becomes part of your car.